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Become an Independent Marketing Agent

If you work in the line of insurance, real estate, or any other business line that associates with homeowners...OR, you are an individual looking for a way to earn money, we would love to have you as a member of our team.

No Special License Required

Home Inventory Assistant is a membership service business and your association with the business is as an independent marketing and referral agent.  We do not require any special license or accreditation.


Compensation is commission-based on new membership sales volume and is paid monthly. 

Minimal Customer Contact

As an Independent Marketing Agent, you will have no responsiblity to the customer once they are enrolled as a member.  And in most cases, the sign-up and membership enrollment process is even be done by the customer.  Introduce the potential customer to our services, provide your Inedpendent Marketing Agent (IMA) #, and make sure that upon enrollment that the new customer enters your IMA # for proper credit to you.  After membership enrollment, all customer service is handled by us!

A Service of King & Associates of Northeast AR, Inc. - (c)2020-2022